Plat maps are an excellent tool in discovering the history of your house. These are maps of a property made by a surveyor to show the exact shape and size of the property, as well as neighboring properties. Current names of the landowners are usually listed as well. Generally a plat map will indicate buildings, stone walls, ponds and other structures on the site. So how do you go about finding the plat map for your property?

Look at your current deed or recent property assessment for the legal description of your property. As discussed in an earlier entry, knowing the legal description of your property is essential for searching  many records. If your home is located in a subdivision, the subdivision name will be included on the deed. A plat of the subdivision can usually be found in the same office that holds the deeds in your city or county, usually the town hall or county surveyor’s or tax assessor’s office.

When you locate the plat map, be sure and look at the maps from previous years as well. You can see any alterations made to the property as well as changes in ownership from your plot as well as the neighbors. Plat maps provide an interesting glimpse into the history of your property.