Century Home Plaque

Century Home Plaque

My house was coming up on its 100th birthday, and I wanted a Century Home Plaque. As one of the first suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri my town of Webster Groves embraces its history by bestowing a plaque on homes as they reach the milestone of 100 years. Well, there is one little catch – you must be able to provide documentation on who your house was built for and the year it was constructed. Thus began my search for the history of my home. It was a long, and sometimes frustrating, process. But I learned more than I ever anticipated along the way, made some new friends and was able to put my genealogical skills to the test. I’d like to share my knowledge and help you get some answers to your questions. I want to remove the frustration and put the fun into doing the research of your house. I warn you up front – once you start the search it can become addictive! But in the end, you’ll have a much better understanding of your neighborhood, your house and the people who also called your house “home.”